Social Network Analysis


Extracting information from social networks, analyzing textual data, Sentiment Analysis, predicting future events, analyzing behavior and creating profiles for users



Havva Alizadeh

Senior Manager & Supervisor

Social Network Analysis

PHD. Candidate of Software Engineering in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Zahra Keyvanloo


Social Network Analysis

PHD. Candidate of Software Engineering in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Hedieh Naderi
MSC. Candidate

Dr. Kahani / Dr.Behkamal
An interactive and explanatory suggestion system based on contextual understanding using reinforcement learning

Faezeh Mousavi
MSC. Candidate

Dr. Kahani 
Diagnosis of satire in Persian


Sajjad Rezaee
MSC. Candidate

Dr. Kahani / Dr.Behkamal
Early detection of fake news using content features