Artificial Intelligence in Health Team

Why did we start?

Many industries have been disrupted by the swarm of new technology in the information age. Health and hygiene are also in this category. In particular, in the field of automation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, doctors, hospitals, insurance companies, and health-related industries are all affected by this – in most cases, the positive effects compared to other industries. According to a report from CB Insight, approximately 86% of healthcare supply organizations, life science companies, and technology vendors to health services use AI technology. These organizations will invest an average of $54 million in AI projects by 2020. What solutions are they looking for? This section outlines ten of the impacts of AI on health and well-being in the present and future.

Artificial Intelligence in Health Team

The Artificial Intelligence in Health team started its work in 2017 with the project of diagnosing a variety of children’s psychological disorders that can be diagnosed from writing. Gradually, with the addition of more people in this attractive field, the scope of the team’s work expanded and expanded its scope of activity by concluding a contract for the intelligent diagnosis of various diseases.


Reza Saeedi


Maria Roth


Bert Weisenberg

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