Data Mining Team

Why did we start?

Data mining (in English: Data Mining) is the concept of extracting hidden information or specific patterns and relationships in a large amount of data in one or more large databases. Many people consider data mining to be synonymous with the common words of knowledge discovery in databases (in English: knowledge discovery in databases) (KDD). Data mining analyzes databases and massive data sets in pursuit of discovery and extraction. Such studies and explorations can actually be considered the extension and continuation of the ancient and ubiquitous knowledge of statistics. The major difference is the scale, breadth and variety of fields and applications, as well as the dimensions and sizes of today’s data, which require machine learning, modeling, and training methods.

Data Mining Team

In general, our data mining team is engaged in analyzing data and extracting patterns and conceptual information from data. We use various methods such as machine learning models, use of data mining algorithms, statistical analysis, and natural language processing techniques. Our goal in these activities is to improve decision making, predict events, identify hidden patterns, and gain knowledge from data.


Reza Saeedi


Maria Roth


Bert Weisenberg

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The 13th annual workshops of the web technology specialized laboratory 2022

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