Smart City Team

Why did we start?

A smart city is an urban area that uses various types of sensors and electronic methods to collect information. This information is then used for the efficient management of urban assets, resources and services. This process includes the collection of information from citizens, devices and urban resources that are used to monitor and manage vehicle traffic and transportation systems, power plants, urban facilities, and supply networks. Water, waste management, crime detection, information systems, schools, libraries, hospitals and other social services are analyzed and processed.

Smart City Team

The purpose of creating a smart city is to integrate information and communication technology (ICT) and various physical devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) network to optimize urban processes and provide optimal services and communication with citizens. Smart city technology allows the officials of a city to interact directly with the society and urban infrastructure and provide immediate responses to the needs of the city and citizens.`


Reza Saeedi


Maria Roth


Bert Weisenberg

The 14th annual workshops of WTLAB web technology laboratory

Simultaneously with the ICCKE2023 international conference of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, the 14th annual workshops [...]

The 13th annual workshops of the web technology specialized laboratory 2022

On the sidelines of ICCKE2022 international conference of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, the 13th annual [...]

Weekly presentation on August 7: Fatemeh Mohsen Nia

Prompt engineering in large language models: techniques and applications Prompt engineering expands the capabilities and [...]

Weekly presentation – comment tagging on Instagram – Ms Yavari

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