Social Network Analysis Team

Why did we start?

In today’s modern society, social media is considered as one of the most important means of communication and social interaction. Through these media, users can freely share new news (about themselves or in general), daily activities, and their favorite contents and opinions on various topics. This has turned the social network into a rich source of information and has encouraged many researchers to explore knowledge. The expansion of these media is such that today the use of social media is considered the most popular online activity of web users. Information in social media can be divided into three general categories: textual information, information related to links and time information. Since users have the most participation in producing textual content, textual data play an important role in the discovery of knowledge from social media.

Social Network Analysis Team

Text messages on social media are short and have misspellings, idioms and abbreviations. Also, users are not required to follow the rules of grammar. Therefore, despite many advances in natural language processing techniques, processing text messages of social media is presented as a challenge due to the mentioned features. It is also possible to examine and analyze the structure of social media with the help of information about links, for which mathematical knowledge and graph theory are used (social network analysis). Social networks are composed of “Nodes” and “Edges”. The nodes of social networks are the people, organizations and groups of the network members, and the edges represent the connections and dependencies (friendship, common interests, kinship, etc.) between these members.


Reza Saeedi


Maria Roth


Bert Weisenberg

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